• Information and Referral
  • Legacy Planning
  • Independent Facilitation
  • Membership Services

Independent Facilitation

In 1995, the Michigan Mental Health Code established a right for all individuals receiving services to have their Individual Plan of Service developed using the Person Centered-Planning process. This process allows the individual to express their preferences, choices and abilities in order to build upon their capacity to engage in activities that promote community life. The Person Centered Planning process involves those who are closest to the individual, such as family members and friends, as well as professionals.


How Do I Get A Facilitator?

At the beginning or your preplanning meeting, your Supports Coordinator will ask you if you want to have an Independent Facilitator. If so, you will then have the opportunity to choose which person you want like to have.

What does an Independent Facilitator Do?

An Independent Facilitator helps you plan your Person Centered Planning meeting. They will:

  • Assist you with arranging your meeting (inviting those you have chosen, where and when you would like to have your meeting)
  • Run the meeting
  • Focus on your needs, dreams and wishes
    With the dreams and goals you have set, an Independent Facilitator, along with your support teams, will help you put those dreams into actions

Person Centered Planning

“Service planning for participants in Medicaid HCBS programs under 1915 (c) and 1915 (i) mandate person centered planning process that addresses health and long term services and support needs in a manner that reflects individual preferences and goals.”

“Person-centered planning is a process, directed by the family or the individual with long term care needs, intended to identify the strengths, capacities, preferences, needs and desired outcomes of the individual… The individual identifies planning goals to achieve these personal outcomes in collaboration with those that the individual has identified, including medical and professional staff.  Identified outcomes and training supports, therapies, treatments the individual will receive will become part of the plan of care”.

» Source: Center for Medicaid & Medicare

Principals of Person Centered Planning

  • The individual’s choices and preferences are honored and considered if not always implemented.
  • Through the person-centered planning process, an individual maximizes independence, creates community connections and works toward achieving their outcomes.
  • Every individual is presumed competent to direct the planning process, achieve his/her goals and outcomes, and build a meaningful life in the community.
  • Every individual has strengths, can express preferences and can make choices.
  • Choice is honored.

Time Frames & Other Facts

  • Health West ( or any mental health) has 14 days to provide a copy of your IPOS
  • You sign your Individual Plan of Service (IPOS)
  • Make sure your staff/provider of services ALSO has a copy.
  • If and when services change, an addendum or new PCP is needed.  It is not just a once a year meeting.
  • You can ask for an independent facilitator.
  • If you have a dispute with the PCP process or IPOS you can file a grievance, an appeal or a recipient rights complaint.  Start with a conversation with your supports coordinator.

Keys to Success & What is Included

  • Person Centered Planning is about RELATIONSHIPS!
  • What is Your history?
  • What are likes and dislikes?
  • What are barriers encountered in life?
  • What community activities does individual want to become involved in? What are barriers to community involvement?
  • Describe typical day
  • How could we improve each day? What doesn’t make sense in the day? What things do make sense in the day?
  • Specific behavior(s) and what the behavior may be communicating. Behavior is communication.
  • Description of the supports and services necessary to overcome the identified barriers for school, work or community participation.
  • Outcomes/ goals that are based on the individual’s strengths, needs, interests and connect them to the community.
  • Outcome of the PCP is what makes up the Plan of Service! (IPOS)
  • Take notes!

First Steps

  1. Do a pre-plan » click here for a tool
  2. Invite important and trusted people in your life (current staff too).
  3. Schedule a time and location for your PCP that works for you.
  4. Review your current plan.
  5. Remember to weave goals into billable services.
  6. Know what services are currently being delivered/what does a person’s day look like now?

Links For More Information

Person Centered Planning & Guidance
» www.michigan.gov

[button link=”https://arcmuskegon.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/pcp_524026_7.pdf” bg_color=”44697d”]A Guide to Person-Centered Planning PDF[/button]

Center for Self-Determination
» www.centerforself-determination.com/docs/CONFFiles/PCP.pps

Michigan Alliance for Families (The Arc Michigan)
» www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/…/PersonCentered-Planning-ppt